Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Bedding!

I have been trying to think of things I can blog about besides Sophia. This is all I could come up with. We just got new bedding from Anthropologie. My sister, Tracy, helped us pick it out. There is something about new bedding that makes me so happy. It actually makes me excited to make the bed each morning.


  1. Love it! I want new bedding, i'm sick of mine! Maybe next time your out, you could pick me up some! :)

  2. Becca, that is soooooooooo stinking cute! But when did you get black furniture? I'm way out of the loop. So I just picked out new bedding for me & Matt too.... I got it at the village quilt shop. I haven't put it on my bed yet I think I'll wait until we actually buy a place and move my bed there. HOORAY for new bedding!!! I can't wait to see it in real life.

  3. Oh, but can I borrow Sophia to display on my bedding too?

  4. Mandi-Your blog is so cute! You will have to teach me how to design a blog.

    Kara-We got the new bedroom set right before Sophia was born. I thought I had shown it to you. And you can borrow her anytime!

  5. Love, Love, Love your new bedding. I also love Anthropologie. Does Tracy work there? I think I knew that. So fun!

  6. LOVE! But I already told you that when I saw it. I love your whole place really and her nursery is so cute. You should post about that too! Just giving you some ideas :) King beds are amazing...now there is only going bigger from here.
