Friday, March 19, 2010

Four Months

I cannot believe that my little newborn is now 4 months old! Time has gone so fast. Who knew that a baby could keep me so entertained. I could just stare at her all day long. And her little laugh just kills me. I wish I could keep her this way forever! But it seems like she is growing so much every day. I am so lucky I get to hang out with her all the time.

I know this is a little blurry but it is almost impossible to get her to smile in a picture. She will immediately stop smiling or laughing every time I put a camera in front of her. I guess she is amazed by technology. I wonder where she got that from?


  1. OH MY GOODNESS! I wish that we could do recorded voice comments so that you could have heard my reaction when I saw this picture. It will be hard to write out, but it went something like this...

    Ohhhh, ohhhh, ohhhhh {while doing a silly little chuckle}...ohhh Soph, ooohhhh my goodness. That is tooo cute! Oh I love her!! LOVE HER.

    Seriously, babies {especially my babies...meaning Sophia} melt my heart. Love her smile, love that cute outfit that makes her look like a big girl. When are you going to let me babysit? She needs to love me as much as I love her. I'm just not sure that we are there yet!

  2. She is a BIG Girl! I can't believe she is 4 months old! Look at that grin! I love her grin; it's the same one as her "Positively Perfect" picture! She has a SMUG little grin! She knows she is too cute!
    And tell Brittany we have first DIBS on tending Sophie!

  3. She is the cutest! I wish that I could hear her laugh!
    Maybe you should have another baby so that you will still have a newborn to play with!! Please? :)
